Let me start with a little background, blog background that is!!! What is blogging? ABC News states, “The simplest are the text-only blogs created by individual Web surfers to post their own eclectic and varied thoughts.” in their article What Is Blogging? of 01/07/2006. To me blogging is a form of written and visual expression, self or otherwise hosted online by any person or entity who wish to participate in the World we call “The Web”. I’ve never been very good in English or Writing Classes but have come to realize that I really enjoy writing and that I wanted into that sector of online writing. After all; my Social Networking Groups could only take so much of my gibberish!!! Did I start a blog??? Maybe you should ask if I set-up a blog; yes I did. Several as a matter of fact but they were topic specific, like one for Family, one Creative Goodies and another for Digital Medias. Unfortunately they didn’t materialize; I just wasn’t ready nor was I able to get ready. Not at that time anyhow.
Today though is a different story. I am at a different place in life; not an easier place but a different place. In 2008 I was recently laid off of work, taken in a displaced child, having difficulties in my marriage, lacking in Faith and struggling with the idea of what I thought life was supposed to be. Now in 2011 my work IS being home with my children, my babyG has been reunited with a parent, my marriage is beating the statistics, I have once again found my Faith and though I don’t know what I my life is “supposed to be” I do know that it is supposed to be PERIOD. So, I have decided to have another go at this thing we call blogging.
Should you still be reading this I must tell you that I appreciate the time you’ve given me. Thank you for for reading my 1st Blog Post!!! I’d love to know, do you blog??? Oh, you do - why did you start blogging???
Until we meet again...
Okay, I have to comment here... yes, on my OWN blog - silly I know, but I'm SO EXCITED that I not only CREATED this blog but that it has a PUBLISHED article... !!!Whoo-hoo!!!
Well, my 1st Post has been LIVE for 25 minutes && I already see several words I would change EVEN THOUGH I PROOF-READ several times... oh well, progress, progress, progress && we will get there!!!
Blog.....what can I say about blogging....it's a useful tool.
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