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Quitting Your Job To Be A SAHM... sort of
by {Honey, we made a kid...}

Quitting Your Job To Be A SAHM -
sort of, I can say…

I can say that I never want to work full-time with a child, EVER AGAIN.

My son, Grayson is currently 14 months old, he was born July 30, 2010.  I went back to work 6 weeks after he was born, just 6 weeks. At the time, I wanted to be back at work. Being home all day with a newborn just wasn’t “it” for me. I yearned for the adult interaction and the sort of peace working gave me.

There I went, off to work. Honestly, I was OKAY for a while. There was so much going on – we had his christening in October, right around the corner was Thanksgiving, almost immediately after was Christmas. That was 3 major events in G’s first 5 months. We also had a lot of visitors (I live 700 miles from my family, which is another post in itself) and you can say I really didn’t have TIME to think about not being home with my bug.

In January it hit me. All the holidays had passed. All the people were done visiting. I finally had time to reflect on my circumstances. To be honest, I didn’t really like what I was reflecting on. I loved my job – but working over an hour away for 40 hours a week just wasn’t cutting it. I hated, let me rephrase, LOATHED, the fact that at times I wouldn’t make it home to see my son before he went to bed.

After much discussion, my husband and I decided that it would be beneficial for me to cut my hours at work. Possibly a 32 hour work week. It just wasn’t possible to cut my hours at my current place of employment.

A couple months after that I finally decided to take the plunge and look for another job. Ideally, something that was closer and would allow me to get home at a decent hour. One of my biggest fears was that I would take the plunge to leave and end up hating it. And then I remembered that sick feeling I would get in my stomach every Sunday just knowing that I would be out of the house all week. I knew that something HAD to change.

In what felt like forever, I finally got a bite back. A part time position, 20 minutes from my house, doing what I love. Wow, three interviews later and I got a call - I got the job. When I say I could've cried tears of happiness. I really mean I COULD HAVE CRIED TEARS OF HAPPINESS.

So here I am, three weeks into my new Part-Time SAHM/Working Part-Time. I can honestly say that I don’t ever want to work full-time ever again (at least while my child is young). I am not a very religious person, but I feel that I have been truly blessed with the opportunity I’ve been given. I love the people I work with and the work that I do. As for being home - I get to feed my child his meals. How odd a comment is that? I get to feed my child his meals? My last situation didn’t allow me to feed my child ANY of his meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were served by daycare and dad. I hate that I feel like I missed out on so much of his first year.

I know it’s such a tough road for us moms. We all want what’s best for our kids, and we have different visions of what’s best. I wish every Mom could live the situation THEY most want.

Whether it’s working, staying at home, or doing what I do – both.

About The Author
Hey All-

I’m Nicole. A twenty something, PT Working/ PT SAHM, in the Cincinnati area. Dan is the hubs, Grayson is the boy. Marketing is my day job. I’m passionate about being active, loving on my family, and getting together for coffee and drinks with friends. Oh yea, and about the coffee – I’m obsessed with it. I love connecting with people through blogging/ tweeting/ facebooking/ pinterest. I love chaos, loud people, travelling and cupcakes. I want time, not things.

Are you staying at home, working or both -
maybe more importantly, is it what you want?


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