How It Became
A name is something that tends to be very much associated with whatever that it is naming. I mean, a name is a word that identifies someone or something to keep it similar or differentiate it from other people and things.
The way people get their names from their parents for instance. Typically their surname will be their “family name”, the name that identifies them as a part of a particular family. Their first name, well, that is where differentiation and individualism come in. Parents may use ANY criteria they feel appropriate to make their child similar OR different. Some parents choose to name their child after another person they consider special. Others may name their child with a name that reminds them of something special. And yet, some may give their child a name that is related to a special memory. Do you see the connection??? In general, I believe it is our human nature when picking names to find something SPECIAL. Special is just that SPECIAL, making it something we can identify and connect with.
Merciful Blessings, ~Wife Of One, Mother Of Many~ is this name special to its authors, owners, and family behind it? How special is the name? This name is special, very special to us. SPECIAL enough to be named after someone or something? It is SPECIAL enough to represent someone, several someones, an ENTIRE FAMILY !!!
How exactly did this blogspot find a name that is so special it soothes the soul??? In the beginning words would run through my head; sometimes groups of words and though they were special all of them seemed to be very topic specific. For Instance, gardening, loving, and parenting - all specific with little room to expand. If a name was going to be found I had to decide what was the purpose of this blog; what did I want the blog to say to it’s readers. It was certain I did not want something that would limit it’s space to writing on only a few select topics. The blog was to have the ability to cover a variety of issues. Why not use our surname, with a family as diverse as ours it would give a wide range of topics. Though it was fitting in its ability to stretch the writing horizon I did not think it would allow readers the chance for an immediate connection. The goal is not to make you, the reader, not feel as if you are following but to feel as if you on this journey WITH us.
My name is Mercy, what a name of connectivity!!! Unfortunately I was not fond of it in my youth, I was married with my three children before I even began to appreciate it. I did feel I wanted “Mercy” within the title, purely for its meaning but how to do it in a way that would bring you, the reader, WITH me was the next question. I spent a few weeks thinking of this asking my family, friends, and associates for ideas to no avail. The search continued. One day I asked people to describe me in one word, just ONE word. A dear friend answered, “BLESS”. As soon as I seen the word BLESS it hit me!!! Blessings... Merciful Blessings - what a concept!!! Merciful Blessings paired with my one line tag ~Wife Of One, Mother Of Many~ seemed PERFECT!!!
MERCIFUL: to be full of Mercy and Compassion
BLESSINGS: bringing you Happiness
Our FATHER, has been MERCIFUL upon me, showing MERCY and COMPASSION despite my human UNWORTHINESS to have been granted
these BLESSINGS I call MY CHLDREN. I am a WIFE to only ONE MAN yet a MOTHER to MANY, they give me a reason to be... THEY ARE MY TRUE HAPPINESS!!!
Finally a name that is not only a reflection of me but reflects us parents that love their children with all their hearts fully carrying our burdens of not being the perfect parent. To those that GOD has been MERCIFUL to by bestowing the BLESSING of parenthood despite our human flaws. To those committed to the one person that makes their marriage a whole. To those that love not only their children but all others that are placed in their lives; allowing them to enter the heart from which stems this thing we call LOVE.
Therefore I say, what a better fitting name than
Merciful Blessings, ~Wife Of One, Mother Of Many~???
Until next time...
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